Day 5 - half way there (living on a prayer?)
Today is the halfway point of quarantine and we’re doing alright. Unlike many of my friends returning to Taiwan, we have a whole house to ourselves, so plenty of space when we need to get away from each other. I don’t envy those who’ve had to quarantine in tiny hotel rooms, either on their own or with kids. I know you get through it, but it’s not exactly fun. Thursday we will be taken to Bradley’s camp for another Covid test, and then Saturday at 1 minute past midnight we will be able to leave quarantine. Not sure what we have planned for that day but I know we’ll be seeing people. Can’t wait! We’ve only seen friends from a distance (in our driveway) so it will be wonderful to actually be able to hug them, and sit and have a chat. The war against the ants continues unabated (LOL). Another day of cleaning and laying traps and powder. This evening, they seem to have retreated, but I expect it’s only a short reprieve. I’ll be so glad when we get our shipment and have our...