Day 3

 Not a huge amount to report from the last two days. We’ve been pottering about the house getting things sorted. Lots of old crockery in the kitchen to be removed and boxed up. Lots of cleaning to be done as well. My old nemesis, the ants, have found us, so a good clean of the kitchen and living room floors is due today, then we can lay down some traps and hopefully that will deal with most of them. 

The house is really lovely and big, but the last tenants didn’t treat the paint work very well. We’re going to speak to the landlady today to find out if we can get some paint and touch up the areas that need it. A good quarantine activity, and might provide us with some exercise as well. There are some areas we won’t be able to do like the staircase as the walls are too high without a ladder, we will do the places we can and get someone in to finish when quarantine is done. 

Our shipment will arrive on the 16th August, so as soon as quarantine is done we can organize to have it brought up to the house. It’s going to be so nice to get all our stuff into the house and make it feel like home. James will start work as soon as quarantine is done so a lot of the house stuff will be up to me. 

Patsy (landlady) dropped off a radio this morning so we can listen to the local station. I didn’t realize but apparently country is BIG here so I will definitely feel at home music wise. Right now we’re listening to what I can only imagine is the country music hour. It does kinda feel a bit incongruous, being in the middle of the South Atlantic, listening to Kenny Rogers and Hank Williams. No complaints from me though! Thoroughly enjoying it. 

We made a health report this morning as James has been sneezing and has a sore throat and runny nose. None of this is out of the ordinary however as we both suffer from bad allergies. I was a bit sniffly this morning but in my case it definitely feels like allergies. I don’t think either of us has Covid (our initial tests on Day 0 were negative), but we reported the symptoms anyway just in case. 

That’s about it for today. Just waiting on some food and supplies to be delivered and then I’ll get down to cleaning again. Got a chicken to do roast tonight so something to look forward to this evening. 


  1. How is the weather? Are you allowed to go out to your yard?

    1. Yes we can but it’s mid winter so cold, wet, and windy at the moment. We had one day of sunshine when we first arrived but since then it’s been raining mostly every day.

    2. Sounds like good weather to be inside and cosy with a roast chicken dinner.


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