What does life hold for me in the Year of the Sheep

According to the China Post, this is my destiny for the year:

You are clever, and your energetic personality will propel you to accomplish tasks with impressive results. However, remember to focus  you energy on the task at hand. Sometimes events and encounters that fluster you may provoke your innate habit of reacting instantly. It will be helpful to control your impulses. 

Well, can't say any fairer than that really. Though it does feel like the newspaper is getting on at me about my dissertation ("focus your energy on the task at hand")! Or maybe that's just my own guilt about not having done any work on it in a while. I can see myself in the rest of the horoscope too. I do tend to get flustered easily and react instantly.  

When I was undergoing cognitive behaviour therapy a couple of years ago, I found that I was much calmer and less likely to react instantly to situations. I ended up being very laid back, to the point of not being bothered by much at all. I think now, though a few bad personality habits have crept back in, I've landed nicely somewhere in the middle. Things still get me riled up but I'm much more level headed. I get angry about things quickly, but I always take time to calm down before I react to them. Often in the end I find that there isn't any need to be angry after all. 

A lot of this is down, not only to the things I learnt in therapy, but also to the calming influence of James. Well I say calming. What I really mean is that he has this great way of disarming me with humour, and stopping my ticking time bomb of anger in its tracks. He reminds me that really there is little in life that requires me to get that worked up and angry, and once I sit down and calmly think about it, a solution presents itself. He's a good influence. That's probably the first time that's ever been said :P

I am much more self aware these days. I don't know if this is something that just comes naturally with age or whether because of everything I've been through in the last few years, I'm much more conscious about the way that I am and how I need to be. Whichever it is, I am thankful.  

If I were to make any resolutions for this year, I think I might consider the following: 

1. Take time regularly to spend with friends
2. Take time to be by myself and focus on my own needs
3. Read more
4. Don't be afraid to challenge myself
5. Enjoy my life and stop taking things so seriously. 

I could go with the traditional resolutions - lose weight, exercise, stop eating junk food, be less stressed, learn something new, ect ect ect..... but I think that if I try to just focus on the other things that I listed I will find that everything else will fall into place. 


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