
This week has been really good. Long and tiring but also good. 

Wednesday night we went out for dinner with Greg, George, Sasha, Michael, Scott and Rob for Greg's birthday. We went to a local restaurant and ordered the most random food. It was a fun night. There were frog legs and all sorts! We then retired to a small cafe for more drinks. George and I have discovered that Greg and James should not be allowed to sit next to or even be near each other. They are too alike. It's scary. It was a good laugh though and I'm looking forward to spending more time with them soon. 

Thursday I spent the day packing up our things at the hotel in preparation for our move to the flat. After work James turned up with a man and a van full of our boxes and we made our way to our new home. We spent the evening unpacking and sorting out the flat. It was good fun and the place really feels like home now. 

Friday was a half day. We spent the morning up at the school. I worked on the timetable for our department with Paul and Grace. Around 12.30, James, Scott and I went down into town to Sogo for lunch and then to the Primary school for an all staff meeting and a Mongolian BBQ. The staff meeting was long but interesting and informative. The BBQ was great fun and all the staff and their families were there. It was a great atmosphere and reminded me of the events that we used to have in Aleppo all those years ago. It's one of the things I've missed about being at an International School. We've made quite a few friends here so far and that really has made all the difference to settling in. 

Saturday we spend the day getting things for the flat. We went to Carrefor, the Red Apple Store (it's sells EVERYTHING) and then IKEA. Grace and Paul invited us out for dinner in the evening and we had to rush like mad things to get back home and then to the restaurant in time. We finally found it and had a lovely evening with Grace, Paul, Daisy and Mike. It was a nice little Mediterranean place which we will have to go back to.

Today has been rather quiet which is nice. We did do some grocery shopping (in preparation for the TYPHOON) so we finally have some food in the house. Tomorrow is the first day of term and I am both excited and terrified. James will be in his element no doubt. Having never done this job before it's going to be a sharp learning curve for me. I'm not worried about it but I am nervous. I'm sure it will all be fine and I am looking forward to it. 

Anyway, just a short update for today. 


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