Day 5 - half way there (living on a prayer?)

 Today is the halfway point of quarantine and we’re doing alright. Unlike many of my friends returning to Taiwan, we have a whole house to ourselves, so plenty of space when we need to get away from each other. I don’t envy those who’ve had to quarantine in tiny hotel rooms, either on their own or with kids. I know you get through it, but it’s not exactly fun. Thursday we will be taken to Bradley’s camp for another Covid test, and then Saturday at 1 minute past midnight we will be able to leave quarantine. Not sure what we have planned for that day but I know we’ll be seeing people. Can’t wait! We’ve only seen friends from a distance (in our driveway) so it will be wonderful to actually be able to hug them, and sit and have a chat.  

The war against the ants continues unabated (LOL). Another day of cleaning and laying traps and powder. This evening, they seem to have retreated, but I expect it’s only a short reprieve. I’ll be so glad when we get our shipment and have our Dyson so that cleaning the house will be a bit easier. Sweeping the house with a broom is tedious work. Half Tree Hollow is quite a dusty place to live so I can see it will get daily use. 

We’ve been enjoying ordering food from Rosie’s, a restaurant just down the hill from where we live. Last night we had pizzas and wedges. Thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was nice to have a night off from cooking. Tonight is chili, which is currently warming up on the stove. It’s nice to have the time to cook and also no time pressure. I grew to hate cooking in Taiwan as we were always tired and in a hurry in the evenings. Having time to stop and take a breath has been glorious. 

My bedroom has a lovely big bathtub which has become a daily treat. Cup of tea, a movie on my iPad, and a nice hot bath. Our apartment in Taiwan had three bathtubs but they were clearly made for children or people with no butts as it was impossible to actually bathe in them. I’ve missed the luxury of a long hot bath.

Not much else to report today. Still waiting to hear about paint. Fingers crossed we’ll get some news soon so we can get a bit done in our last few days quarantine. 


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