Goodbye Strode's

Today was my last day at work with all my colleagues. It was a very weird day. It started off with my team and I trying to sort out the new rota for September (which took three hours) and then ended with a wonderful staff party/BBQ/hog roast. As we do every year we sat through the speeches and people being presented with gifts, but this year was different because I was one of the people who was being spoken about and presented with a gift. I admit it. I blubbed. Thankfully not as much as I could of but I did get very emotional. I've been associated with Strode's for 9 out of the 15 years that I've lived in the UK and I've been taught by and worked with 100's of people there. Saying goodbye was really hard. It's like saying goodbye to family. Drinks in the pub afterwards and tearful (slightly intoxicated) hugs and now I'm at home sitting amongst my boxes and debris of my life. I'm still not sure it's all sunk in. I feel like I'd like to have a good cry. 

If you're reading this Strodians, thank you. Thank you a million times over. I'll miss you. And don't think that just because I'll be half way round the world you can get rid of me. As we all know, once you've worked there, you never really escape :) 


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