Learning Mandarin Chinese

I've always wanted to learn Mandarin Chinese but I've never had a reason to learn other than my own personal interest. This move to Taiwan has proven to be the best incentive possible for me to learn and I started with gusto several months ago. However, I've sort of ground to a halt now. Having never tried to learn a tonal language before it has proved to be a massive challenge. I've really enjoyed it so far but my goodness does it require intense amounts of concentration. I'm hoping things will become easier when I get to Taiwan and I'm emersed in the language and have to use it on a daily basis. I think it is probably one of the best ways to learn. 

In the mean time I've been using the BBC Learn Chinese website and this book - Easy Peasey Chinese: Mandarin Chinese for beginners. Both have been very useful.

Does anyone else have any suggestions for books, CDs, or websites that would be helpful in learning Chinese? I'm looking for basic stuff.


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