The end is in sight!

Earlier this week I thought I would never see the end of packing boxes and mess. Today I began to see the that there was an end to it and slowly the weight is starting to be lifted from my shoulders. I can now walk around my flat without stubbing my toes or clambering over boxes piled three and four high. I've even been sorting out the quote for shipping which should hopefully be organised for next week. My to do list is getting shorter and my stress levels are getting lower. Just a few major things left to sort out (like the Visas) but thankfully I have a very wonderful and clever boyfriend who is dealing with that (thank you James!). 

So not long now. It's weird because I know I'm going in a week and I have boxes and things to physically prove it but it still doesn't seem real. Getting on that plane is really going to bring it all home for me I think. But for now I'll just concentrate on the things I can deal with and push on. I'll leave next Thursday where it is and take this week one day at a time. 


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