Flat hunting

Today it was hotter than Satan's arsecrack after a very spirited game of demonic softball. 

I think that probably tells you more than you need to know about the state of James and I after a morning of flat hunting with our first agent Jason. A very pleasant man who took us to see a whole range of things. We went what seemed like all over Taipei, though really I'm sure we stayed within about 1 square mile of the hotel. We saw 7 flats with Jason and then a further 5 with Jane in the afternoon. We narrowed it down to two but in the end we decided on one and have asked them both to see what kind of deal they can get. 

It's a two bed, two bath with an office, large living room/dining room, kitchen and utility. The flat is rather large and benefits from access to a pool just down the road. It's on a quiet street and we'll have to walk to catch a taxi but there are worse things. All in all I think we are pretty pleased that we've found something so quickly. Fingers crossed that we get it. 

Tomorrow we're off out with Grace and Paul to see the school (inside this time!!) and then for coffee/lunch. That's about as far as we've got with planning anything. If it's as hot as today I think we'll be spending some more time inside, relaxing and regaining our energy for the busy week ahead. 


  1. Pool?! AWESOMEFACE! You can go swim after work. Happiness x

  2. It sounds awesome! I've got my fingers and toes crossed that you get it - what a great spot to come home to at the end of the day - sorry for the heat of a thousand suns going on - it's about the same in Bermy-land - but luckily (or not really) I am home in the AC with my Aber books trying to be productive (from this post, you can see I'm focusing very hard!) I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way for your new adventure!


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