Our flat

We got the keys to our flat today! Excited moment!! We haven't properly moved in yet as we still need to get a few things from the shops and some boxes of essentials from the school. We've decided to stay in the hotel for little while longer until everything is ready and just move things over slowly. The internet, tv and phone still need to be installed and we're waiting to her from our estate agent about when that will be. 

It's all very exciting and we're having fun buying things. James keeps taking pictures of dinner plates and cups and things that we see that we like. We can't afford to buy a lot at the moment but it's nice to have a picture inventory to work from when we do. 

Anyway, just a little update today. 


  1. http://www.buzzfeed.com/kevintang/reasons-to-love-taipei

    Did you see this? Let us know if all the reasons are true! x

  2. Funnily enough I just finished reading it and yes it's true!


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