Second chance

As the timetable at work has developed, I've found that I'm supporting mostly Maths classes with a few Science and one English. When I found out that's what I would be doing I was in all honestly utterly terrified. Maths has never been a strong subject for me and I can remember years ago at school where I would fake illness to avoid it. I don't think any of my ex-teachers would believe me if I told them that I was supporting students in learning Maths. They'd laugh. 

To my surprise I've discovered that, despite my terror and disbelief that I would be any good at the Maths that I'm supposed to be helping kids with, I actually understand it. Today for instance we were doing improper fractions and after one example from the teacher it just all clicked and I got it.

I feel like I've been given a second chance to get Maths right. It may have taken 15 yrs but for the first time since 7th grade I actually feel like I get it. And it's a very nice feeling indeed. 


  1. I am also scared of Maths but do envy you the chance to re-learn it. Huzzah!


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