Guang Hua and more...

I'm sick. This is not terribly unusual however it is frickin annoying. I have the dreaded Taipei lurgi, which comes in the form of a throat infection, swollen glands, stuffy nose and general exhaustion. Went to the doctors earlier in the week and he was great. Immediate diagnosis and four different kinds of drugs. Antibiotics, tablets for the fever, something for a stuffy nose and another thing for congestion. All that for less than the cost of one NHS prescription. Sweet! I've been off work for most of the week and I was hoping I would feel better but I have to admit that I still feel like crap. I've been told that the bugs/illnesses here can be pretty nasty to newcomers so I'm not going to try and fight this. Apart from a few chores I need to do I'm going to try and take it easy. 

James and I haven't been up to a whole lot the past two weeks. James came down with this bug two weeks ago and then I got it last Sunday. That's not to say that we've done nothing. We went on a really cool field trip with Scott and Michael to Guang Hua Digital Plaza. It's a HUGE 7 storey building filled with stalls of all the tech you could possibly want. The streets surrounding the plaza are also filled with stores full of cameras, laptops, tablets, PCs, games consoles, etc, etc, etc. Here are a few photos of James looking for his new PC. He chose everything he wanted in it and they built it in 40 minutes!

We spent most of the day there wandering around, bartering over the price of PCs. It was really fun. Scott and Michael bought new laptops. All the boys came away happy. 

On the home front, things are coming along. I think we've finished all our IKEA trips for the time being. We have some lovely new things that make the apartment feel more like home. All our photos now have frames and things are starting to look like we really live here now. 

I recently discovered the local pool which is a one minute walk from out front door. It's lovely and when I go after work it's practically empty. It's wonderfully relaxing but sadly closes at the end of the month. It's an outdoor pool so it closes at the end of the summer season. Until then I'll take advantage of it as much as I can. 


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